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Government for the People

The relationship between the county government and local municipalities should be one of cooperation. On issues affecting a neighborhood the County Commissioners should not only include, but partner with local governments to build consensus and reach a logical solution that is acceptable to all involved. An adversarial relationship between the county and local governments only hinder our efforts at workable solutions. We need set aside personal agendas and unnecessary partisan posturing to focus on the task at hand to reach solutions that all county citizens can live with.

We elect our Commissioners to transact county business on our behalf and we, the citizens, should be their number one priority. On issues where the County Commissioners negotiate with private entities or other governments on our behalf, there must be no question on who's side they are on.

This is all about the issues. If you have an issue you are concerned with please let me know. Email me at hyland@marilynhyland.org.

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Paid for by Citizens for Hyland, 7100 Drake Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45243, Tim Hershner,Treasurer.,