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If you support Marilyn Hyland, it is critical that you vote for her on March 7. Before she can beat Bob Bedinghaus in November, she must first win the Democratic primary.

The other candidate, Todd Portune, is well financed and will be able to spend a lot more money on advertising. Therefore, we are depending on YOU to help get the word out about Marilyn and urge your friends to vote for her.

Remember, you don't have to be a Democrat to vote in the Democratic primary. Simply request a Democratic ballot at the polling place and vote for Marilyn Hyland. Marilyn has a lot of support among Democrats, Republicans and people who consider themselves independent.

And, of course, any money that you could send our way would be greatly appreciated. Please print and fill out this Contribution Form and mail with checks to:

Citizens for Hyland
42 E. Sixth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Thank you.

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Citizens for Hyland now,
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We need your support as a volunteer and as a contributor. Take this opportunity to open the door of the Hamilton County Commission to the people.

  • Tell your friends about Marilyn Hyland
  • Place a bumper sticker on your car
  • Organize a "Get to Know Marilyn Hyland" house party in your neighborhood.
  • Place a yard sign in your front yard
Volunteers Needed! (click for details)
Get Involved in accessible government for Cincinnati, Call 784-9870

To make an online contribution to
Citizens for Hyland now,
Click this button...

Please be as generous as you can, print and fill out this Contribution Form and mail it to us:

Citizens for Hyland
42 East Sixth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Email Us with any questions or inquiries at hyland@marilynhyland.org.

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Paid for by Citizens for Hyland, 7100 Drake Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45243, Tim Hershner,Treasurer.,